Employee Retention Tips: How To Keep Your Employees From Jumping Ship


A high retention rate means you’re able to keep your employees long-term. This means you can save time, effort, and even money from hiring and training new staff. But, how can you do it? Here are some tips.

Pay Them Right

Of course, there’s no better way to ensure that you retain your employees by paying them right. Everyone has their own needs.
Thus, you can’t just rely on your employees’ love for their work. They also have bills to pay and things they want to buy.
So, to make sure that they don’t jump out of your ship, don’t forget to give them the right salary that they deserve. If they deserve an increase, don’t deprive them of that. After all, they worked for it, and they’ve contributed a lot to your company’s growth.

Give Them Benefits

Aside from their salary, it is also a must that you give them benefits from working in your company. Aside from giving them paid sick leaves, you can also offer health insurance. You can find more information here about the plans that you can go for. This way, they’ll feel more satisfied and recognized. And, besides, some benefits are mandated by the law.

It’s for your company’s good. By offering health insurance as benefits, for instance, you’ll have more edge against other companies if a potential talent can't decide between your company and others. You can also gain tax incentives from it. It’s a win-win.

Ensure Good Communication

Communication plays a huge part in a company’s success. With this, you’ll not only know what work needs to be done. This will also help you keep misunderstandings at bay, which could affect your employees’ relationship with each other, as well as with you.

These days, there are many ways to ensure good communication within your company. One of them is by holding regular meetings. Here, you and your subordinates can not only talk about the things that could help you better your business. It also gives them the opportunity to speak and be heard if they have concerns.

Show Appreciation

Sometimes, all you need is to show your employees how much you value them as a part of your company. This will boost their morale, and they will feel more inspired to do better.

There are numerous ways to do that. One of them is by simply giving them words of affirmations, especially if they really did a job well done. You can also celebrate wins with them by treating them with food, giving them some extra time off, delegating a team award, etc. Or, you can also give them some bonus. Everyone loves a bonus.

Give Feedback

Many employees look for a company where they can grow. And you can help them with that by giving them constructive feedback. This will help them balance the positive and the negative traits they have to help them improve and grow your business.

Doing this will also allow them to recognize some flaws in their work but at the same time, it will help them know how they can do better next time. Remember, no one is perfect. And sometimes, people need such feedback to help them enhance their skills for them to grow.

And, of course, don’t forget to follow up. This way, you can ensure that they are well-guided.

Improve Workspace

Believe it or not, but your employees’ workspace can affect their work too. If they’re stuck in a plain, old, and boring cubicle, they could experience creative block. It could also cause them to feel more stressed. All these could not just affect their productivity, but your business too. It could even affect their overall health.

So, make sure that you’re also able to improve their workspace. Consider investing in art on our building. Or, use standing desks that can promote better health, as they won’t always be sitting while working.

Part of improving their workspace is to make sure that the devices needed in the office are working well. This will help reduce the stress at work and will make their tasks more efficient.

Encourage Breaks

Of course, your company needs to provide service almost 24/7 to ensure that you’re able to keep up with your consumers’ demands. But all work and no play isn’t fun for employees, and it’s one of the main reasons why they leave. So don’t forget to encourage them to take a break too. This will also help them reset, so they have more energy to work again.

Your employees are important for your company's growth. So, make sure that they are well taken care of. However, if you’re currently looking for a job you can find your dream job on Jooble.

Bobby Vincent Bruno