10 Fantastic Video Content Ideas To Increase Your Business Visibility

Just two decades ago, reading an article on a computer screen used to make us feel hyper-advanced. Companies and customers were slowly stepping into this novel world called the internet.

Fast-forward 20 years and a wholly different picture emerge. Research reveals that video is now the most consumed form of content today, amounting to 55% of all kinds of content.

This is one of the prime reasons businesses try to reach relevant masses today through video content. When you make a video online, you promptly help your business reach millions in a flash. Making videos for customers provides them ease and increases intimacy between them and the business.

If you have a business or a personal brand, blindfold yourself and hold this compelling Katana in your sheath. Here are 10 fantastic video content ideas that boost your business visibility and, ultimately, your sales.

10 Compelling Content Ideas That Boost Business Visibility

Before we move on to the list, let's move our spotlight to the fundamentals of video marketing and consumption. As powerful as video marketing is, it's also challenging.

Today, an average person spends around 100 minutes per day watching videos. Just as you're reading this article, 3.67 million videos are being watched on Youtube. Is not this too noisy for a business to make its way through?

In keep-scrolling culture, the prevailing idea is that a business needs to do far more than just make videos to catch attention spans. The truth is people's attention span has not decreased, but their resistance towards valueless content has increased.

Here's what makes a video watchable and sharable:

  • Provides new value to the users rather than repeating the old

  • Use of storytelling.

  • Works on satiating the senses - creative use of background music, video, colors, etc.

  • Delivers the message with clarity.

In the book Made-to-Stick, writers Chip and Dan Heath maintain that six things make any idea (or video) stick to the customer's brain: Simplicity, Unexpectedness, Concreteness, Credibility, Emotions, and Storytelling (SUCCESs).

So, when you make a video online, ensure you infuse these things to make them more potent, reachable, and marketable.

Without further ado, here are the top 10 video content ideas to make videos and help your business reach relevant audiences.

1 - Educate Your Viewers

The very purpose of education starts where there's a lack of information. This lack can be about anything from a problem to tips and tricks.

The purpose of educating your viewers is to enhance their lives. For example, if you deal in cosmetics, you may make a video to educate your potential customers about the right way of applying a lotion, or you may also reveal to them the many ways of using your products.

When making educational videos, make sure you deliver what you promise. A slight miscue, and you may lose them all. You can use customized video templates to make high-quality videos with ease. The purpose of making these videos is to illuminate the vital but shadowed area for your customers. 

Here are some of the ideas for creating educational videos:

  • How to videos

  • What, Why, Who, Where, and When

  • Tips and Tricks

  • How it happens

  • Tutorial Videos

2 - Entertain Your Viewers

Viewers need content apart from getting educated too. Short, entertaining videos with lots of humor are potent enough to strengthen the bond between your company and viewers.

People love personalities (or brands) that are humorous and entertaining. Capitalize on this - it can boost your video marketing goals.

Rather than following a strict rulebook, this part should be an individual journey. Know your potential customers or clients and craft the content accordingly. Here are a few examples of what can be counted as entertainment videos:

  • Interviewing someone interesting (maybe a celebrity?)

  • A personal mascot and some humorous animation around its life.

  • Picking up on a meme or trend and capitalizing on it.

3 - Use Visual Testimonials

According to a study, 92% of customers prefer reading a review or testimonial before their purchase. You can simplify their work by providing them with video testimonials. Not only will this boost your brand image, but it will also help you create a community.

Try interviewing your customers about their issues, how they suffered, and how your product or service brought relief to their lives.

4 - Provide Insight Into the Company Culture

Transparency is the biggest factor that brings two parties closer than ever. Humans tend to keep a distance from things that they know nothing about. This is what you'd want to capitalize upon.

News agencies try this trick to bring transparency and create trust. You'll find that they share stories from their newsroom culture, showcase their celebrations, interview their employees in an interesting way, etc. All this is done in an attempt to break that wall that separates a company from its customers.

Once the transparency takes the surface, and the threads of trust are strengthened, you'll find people preferring you over others.

5 - Host Ask-Us-Anything Sessions

We're stressing about building a community because it ultimately leads to sales and a long-term relationship.

If your customers are returning to you, sip that latte with a smile and pride in the morning because you've made it. But this morning's smile comes after climbing some tough terrains. Creating a community is not a cakewalk.

Having questionnaire sessions with your viewers adds value to your relationship. It has two benefits: firstly, it helps you gain that insignia or authority in your field; secondly, it lets your company know the customers' mindsets. This crucial knowledge can support the company's future policies.

6 - Post Behind the Scenes Videos

Behind-the-scenes clips often remind us of bloopers and scenes that could not become part of the final cut. However, when we talk about creating videos for marketing purposes, this takes another form.

As a company, your viewers might be interested in knowing the production process, how your company works, etc. Create periodic videos to let them learn more about how your company works.

This is different from the videos providing insight into the company's culture. These videos showcase professionalism while creating transparency.

7 - Share Lifehacks

When Aladdin met Jaffar at the end to free Jasmine, Jafar asked him why he should free her. Stories are that Aladdin offered him 50 lifehacks to make his life easier and freed Jasmine without taking out his sword. Well, who doesn't want to make their lives easier?

As a business, you can create lifehack videos that revolve around your products. For example, try to make a video about the fastest ways of tying a tie (if your company deals in men’s fashion). This will appeal to your viewers and make them lean toward you.

8 - Cover Loyalty Programs

"59% of consumers vow their lifelong loyalty for a brand once it is built."

Loyalty programs have always been an ace up the sleeves of businesses. These programs work on luring and retaining new and old customers. In the age of web3, as a business, you'd want to capitalize on the freedom to choose the content medium.

Make videos on upcoming and ongoing loyalty programs and reveal to your customers the rewards, discounts, offers, incentives, and benefits that are there for them. Plus, loyalty program videos work well at the consideration and decision stages in a buyer's journey.

9 - Create Thank-You Videos

Arianna Huffington puts it accurately when she says, "Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace."

As a business, when you thank your customers for their love and support, you add strength to the foundation of a community. Furthermore, creating a personalized thank-you video can weave your business into some amazing spells of success.

10 - Showcase Event Videos

Live-stream or record it, create a long video, or provide it in snackable limits, but do it. As a business, if you host several events, make sure you do not leave them unrecorded. Provide short teasers to keep the vibrations alive, and then live-stream your events for your viewers.

“The live-streaming market will leap the $247 billion mark by 2027.”

These studies indicate the evolving modus vivendi of the world toward live streaming. As a business, you'd not want to overlook these stats. 

Bottom Line

Today, for a business, a digital presence is vital. A business without a good digital presence is par to dead. But making it into the internet world is not easy. You need to push good content into the market for your viewers. Videos help you do just that.

86 out of 100 people have claimed that video marketing helped their businesses get a boost. With 62% of the world’s population on the internet, you’d want to use every possible way to grab their attention and retain it. Promote your business on video-sharing platforms and see your customer base reach the desired numbers!

Bobby Vincent Bruno